Sõjaväe ja tsiviilelanike suhted = War and civilians, Eesti sõjaajaloo aastaraamat = Estonian yearbook of military history, 2 (8) 2012, peatoimetaja Toomas Hiio (Tallinn-Viimsi: Eesti Sõjamuuseum – Kindral Laidoneri Muuseum, Tallinna Ülikooli Kirjastus: 2012) *

This issue of the yearbook mainly consists of articles based on presentations made at the 2011 military history conference “War and Society: Interactions between the Military and Civil Population”. Historians from Tartu and Tallinn are joined by researchers from Sweden, Germany and the United States, whose articles have been translated into Estonian. The articles discuss topics ranging from the Middle Ages to the early 21st century. The issue also features longer treatises on the first years of the Navy of the Republic of Estonia and on the manifestations of ideological warfare in Soviet Estonia. There is also an article on criticisms of the use of sources and methodologies with regard to compiling an electronic database of Estonian officers. The issue contains a dozen archival photographs.

* Articles have summaries in English.

5–6: Saateks

Toomas Hiio