
An exhibition about the defenders of Azovstal to be opened in Tallinn 15.03

With the participation of the Estonian War Museum, an exhibition will open on May 16, 2025 in the Krull quarter in Tallinn, telling the story of how one of Europe's largest steel plants, Azovstal in Mariupol, became a symbol of Ukrainian resistance in the spring of 2022.

The Face of Bravery. The Undefeated Defenders of Azovstal
A story of survival and resistance in Mariupol, Ukraine

Azovstal  one of Europe's largest steel plants  became a symbol of Ukrainian resistance in the spring of 2022. Under relentless siege by Russian forces, the last defenders of Mariupol had decided to never surrender, but to keep fighting for Ukraine till the last breath.

The exhibition "The Face of Bravery. The Undefeated Defenders of Azovstal" brings their heroic story to life through fighters’ personal belongings, documentary footage, and the world-famous photographs of Dmytro Kozatskyi. It is a painfully poetic reminder of the true face of war and the need to keep supporting Ukraine.

Opening on Friday, 16 May 2025, at Krulli Quarter, Tallinn.
Profit from ticket sales will be donated to the National Museum of the History of Ukraine.

Come and witness the story that must never be forgotten.


Kriisikindlus OÜ
Krull Quarter
KOKO Arhitektid
Agenda PR
Sweep Agency
BLRT Grupp
Go Hotel Shnelli
Tallinn city government
Ministry of Defence
Cultural Endowment of Estonia
Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Government Office
Estonian History Museum

Photo: Foto: Dmytro Kozatskyi
